CPF Joint Initiative on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR)

A joint initiative of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests


On April 30, 2017, CPF members approved a Joint Initiative (JI) on Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR). Through close cooperation with CPF members, the objectives of this JI were developed into a GEF-supported project, “Fostering Partnership to Build Coherence and Support for Forest Landscape Restoration,” approved by the GEF on June 12, 2018.

Box 1 presents summary information on the supporting GEF Project.

Why this Joint Initiative on FLR?

In spite of the breadth of collaborative initiatives focused on restoration, an analysis conducted in 2016 found a number of identifiable gaps in how the unique partnership of the CPF responds collectively to current and evolving global forest-related issues. This project, a Joint Initiative of the CPF, positions the CPF to play a catalytic role in strengthening national and international support and engagement on FLR. It will do this by making full use of the CPF’s role, unique membership, and position within the UN system to enhance coherence and effective engagement among CPF member FLR programs, to strengthen coherence and integration of FLR within national and international policy including REDD+ policies, and by facilitating the mobilization of additional and needed finance for FLR.

The initiative will play a key role in supporting effective implementation of the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030 (UNSPF) and its six Global Forest Goals and associated targets, particularly Global Forest Goal 6, “enhance cooperation, coordination, coherence and synergies on forest-related issues at all levels, including within the UN System and across CPF member organizations”. The UNSFP identifies CPF Joint Initiatives and joint programming as critical means for implementation of the UNSPF.

What does the Joint Initiative on FLR seek to achieve and how?

The overarching goal of the JI is “to enhance synergies in the global FLR process and assist countries and stakeholders to scale up and to strengthen implementation of FLR at national and sub-national levels.”

The project will achieve this goal through a number of constituent activities led by CPF members and executed in collaboration with other CPF member organizations, organized under the three components and related outcomes, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. CPF JI on FLR component workstreams and intended outcomes

Target constituencies

These include:

  • Decision makers within governments who are seeking to scale up FLR, and learn more about FLR needs and opportunities, and best practices in the context of a more coherent and integrated approach
  • International and regional policy-makers, including representatives of Parties to and the secretariats of the Rio Conventions, SDGs and UN Global Objectives on Forests, who will become more aware of the contribution of FLR to achieving multiple goals and policy frameworks
  • CPF members and their respective constituencies
  • FLR leaders and practitioners
  • Donors who are seeking greater coherence and collaboration among the CPF members whose operations they support

Update on CPF member led activities under this Joint Initiative

Table 1. below, provides a brief overview and status of ongoing and planned activities under this Joint Initiative on FLR, by Project component.


For additional inquiries and information on the status of this Joint Initiative on FLR, please contact the IUCN project coordinator, Joshua Schneck, at joshua.schneck@iucn.org.